Before there were any blogging software, I wrote my personal websites using a text editor and upload it as static HTML on a free web space provided by the ISP. This is my very first web homepage. See the original publication.
I’ve been surfing the Internet since June 1994 and after gigabytes of downloads and tons of e-mail I’m still very much into it. To me, it’s a worthwhile past time to exchange short notes with friends and relatives across continents.
Now, to get started with this personal page without having to make it look like a resume :
Jeanne and I were born in Baguio City, Philippines. We grew up and studied in Baguio City. In 1984, we completed our engineering degree in Saint Louis University (Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering). We got married on September 1986 and migrated to Australia in March 1992. We have two daughters, Celine Lowe who was born in Baguio City, Philippines (1987) and Jessica Pauline who was born in Westmead,NSW Australia in 1989.
Saint Louis University – Alumni Registry
Chances are, you got our home page address from the alumni registry of Saint Louis University. We received lots of e-mails from long lost friends and relatives through this list. If you’re an alumni, it’s worth having your details listed in https://www.infophil.com/Philippines/Alumni/SLU/ .
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