Before there were any blogging software, I wrote my personal websites using a text editor and upload it as static HTML on a free web space provided by the ISP. This is what was written in my homepage in 1995. See the original publication. Note however, that some links and email addresses may already be obsolete.
The SEAWIND Home Page
SEAWIND is a UUCP site of Triode BBS. It is the E-Mail address of our family. It was set-up at a time when being connected to the Internet means having a VT-100 terminal emulation in your PC and you struggle to remember those cryptic UNIX commands. During this learning phase, my time in the net is spent reading and writing e-mail or participating in various usenet groups. UUCP was ideal then, as it allowed us to do most of this – offline.
With the emergence of the WWW and 32-bit desktop operating systems, it became more satisfying to get a SLIP/PPP connection to the net. The use of our UUCP site was reduced. If you just found our page and would like to send us an e-mail, send it to rommel@idx.com.au or via the Australian Public Access Network Association (APANA) : rommel@triode.apana.org.au.
If you are an OS/2 user, you may want to download my TRIODE Dial-up Script. This is a sample program and configuration that would not require any of the GUI configuration that comes with OS/2 Warp.
Celine Lowe and Jessica Pauline
Occasionaly, these two girls travel the Web with me. In one of their assignments, we extracted information from the University of Berkeley, through their Museum of Paleonthology. There are more images of Celine and Jessica in our Ahmet Court, Oakhurst web pages. This is the page that describes the home we are building in a western Sydney suburb.You have seen how Celine and Jessica looked like (when they were 7 and 5 years old). Now listen to the voices of
Celine and
Jeanne Criselda
She is my better half. She does not spend much time infront of our home computer but when she does, she’s really creative. Here’s her version of Disney’s Belle[9K GIF Image] in the movie ‘Beauty and the Beast’. This picture was drawn using only rudimentary tools, i.e. a mouse and the Windows Paintbrush applet. The Windows bitmap file was later converted into the JPEG format.The KASAMA Mailing List
The KASAMA Mailing List is an informal group of alumni from Saint Louis University, Baguio City – Philippines. This list is mostly made up of graduates of the College of Engineering and Architecture – Bachelor Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering. This is no longer a very active list but if you wish to see the e-mail addresses of its members, click here for the complete KASAMA List.
The KASAMA Mailing List is accessible via internet through kasama@seawind.apana.org.au
If you wish to get into this list, just e-mail a short note to me via rommel@idx.com.au or via the Triode BBS – rommel@triode.apana.org.au.
A more comprehensive list of SLU Alumni is available through the Saint Louis University – Baguio City Alumni Registry. If you’re an alumni of Saint Louis University, you may wish to add your address to this list. A number of long lost classmates and friends found us through this service.
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