There was a considerable delay after the piers were set and the formwork. We questioned Beechwood Homes because they moved the house by as much as 1.6 meters closer to the front. We sent angry letters to them and halted any further work. In the end, we decided to accept the current position as re-working the soil fill will only compromise the strength of the foundation. The formwork was completed on the 23rd of April 1996. Note that a black plastic is used to cover the dirt. Much have been said about the purpose of this. Manong Jun of Melbourne said, it is used to keep the concrete from being dirty underneath :-). Sa tagalog … para h’wag madumihan. Another, says that it is to prevent termite from digging underneath.
My guess is that the plastic is used to prevent the soil from acting like a sponge – absorbing the water from a freshly poured concrete, making it weak.
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