L-R: Uncle Do, Kuya Ed, Terry, Francis, Ate Ditz, Ate Vick, jeanne, Auntie fe and Auntie Noemi
Jeanne as I have alluded, is the secretary of the Harana Band. She also makes sure that the band has something to eat after rehearsals and works mainly in the kitchen on Sundays. Add to that her task of raising funds for the band. She also recently joined me going to the gym. She now works for THALES. No she didn’t change jobs again, their company changed name from Thomson Marconi Sonar.

L-R: Benny, Ed, Jun and Ricky
In April this year, she went home to the Philippines to pay her final respect to our dear Mama Ched who joined our Creator. During this trip, she had the privilege of getting to know Mama Ched’s surviving sisters, Auntie Noemi, and Auntie Fe and her husband Uncle Do and her cousins by them.
Also, she was pleased to note to me that her eldest brother Jun (whom I have not yet personally met owing to the fact that he has not been in contact with the family for several years) was also present in the funeral rites.

Celine - December 2000, Melbourne VIC
Celine joined the Youth for Christ this year and is involved in their choir. She went back to figure skating for a while and took voice lessons for a while. She made her Second Grade Level in Piano. She was also selected as a Peer Support leader in school for this coming year. Her duties involve assisting new students to settle in their school.

Jessica - December 2000, Melbourne VIC
Jessica plays first flute for the Harana Concert Band, and therefore was in every concert and gig with the band. This is her first year in high school and she is obviously enjoying it and made many new friends. She served as the Class Captain in Year 7. This year, she made her First Grade Level in Piano with distinctive marks.
Celine and Jessica are doing well academically despite their extra-curricular activities. I’m very pleased with the feedback we get from school and the results of their national literacy exams. They also spend a bit of time achieving their piano grades, thanks to the encouragement of Sharon Roy – their piano tutor.
As for me, well, I have completed 3 of the 5 required certification exams on my way to becoming an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP). Two more exams to go, a lot of candles to burn and books to read. Add to that – cramming knowledge on Legato and BMC Patrol while learning Tru64. (Everyone understood all that blah… right?) Why am I doing this? – On October this year, I was promoted to a Senior DBA (Database Administrator) at ACNielsen.
Originally published as part of the Pascual Family News 2001.
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