The https://www.rommelpascual.com/gallery2 is now the official Gallery2 site of the SEAWIND Network. The artipax site will be kept as backup and experimental site. This means that 99.99% of our web pages are now offsite. To upload over 25,000 photos took almost a week using Filezilla, probably the best ftp client there is. At one point I have queued 12,000 file uploads and only 4 failed and was just manually re-queued. The product is so robust that I was able to adjust simultaneous uploads at anytime thus allowing me to open more sessions when I leave the PC and reduce it when people are working on the network.
The only remaining web pages that can not be maintained in a hosted environment is our Music Page , this potentially will be my collection of Music Sheets written in ABCNotation. It uses external programs that are not commonly supported by hosting company unless you subscribe to a virtualised environment where you have full control of the site down to the O/S level. Too bad because the 2 pieces of software needed by these pages could have easily been added by my hosting provider – but they won’t do it – so it remains hosted at home.
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