I knocked off at 4:00pm today but we actually opened the wine and Hoegaarden beer since 1:00pm on what we affectionately call the stand-up meeting. We never employed Extreme Programming seriously – but of all the techniques – it’s the stand-up meeting that persisted.
I came home to an empty house. The kids and the wife are out doing Christmas shopping, party and work. I was lazy to do anything – let alone prepare my own dinner – so I just skipped that and grazed on whatever was in the fruit basket. After a while I felt like heading to the shops – but ‘Mary Kate’, my alto sax, is set in the couch, inviting me to play. Hmmm – empty house – I can play as loud and make all the mistakes – play silly – experiment – enjoy playing for once uninhibited. I picked it up and immersed myself to the joy of music – it really didn’t matter. To the walls around me it may sound awful but in my mind and heart – the music is wonderful. I can still play – still roll my hands across 2 1/2 octaves of keys and play what was singing in my head.
Tomorrow – I’ll again indulge on another favourite – I’ll be pumping my bike tyres and heading to the Olympic Park to join friends to cycle 30km to Botany Bay and have a big breakfast. It’s bacon, egg, sausages and toast without the added guilt. Then cycle back 30km after, going through the scenic route of our beautiful city …. ah … such is life 🙂
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