The following 3 minute video are the highlights from the camera of Agnes and Rommel. It also features the soundtrack of Ryan Cayabyab’s Noche Buena. If you’re interested with a DVD quality version or even HD version of this clip – email me or leave a message in this post. Photos of Agnes can be downloaded at her Picasa Site.
[flashvideo filename=media/nochebuena-show0.flv height=240 width=320 image=media/nochecvr.jpg /]
Dressed as elves – “Santa’s ‘Not So Little‘ – Helpers”. We won the couple’s prize for the dress up. It’s a wonderful party – the Rupac’s and company really know how to turn this gathering – exciting, colourful and eventful. We took 166 photos – here’s the quickest way to see all of them. Any of these photos can also be individually downloaded from our photo gallery. I’ll publish the link when it becomes available. It’s currently being uploaded as I write.
[flashvideo filename=media/xmas-eve007-show0.flv height=240 width=320 image=media/xmascover.JPG /]
… two hours and a sleep later …
If you are interested to have copies of your photos, you can now download them from our Photo Gallery using this link.
E-Mail of Agnes to Everyone – Post Party
26 Dec 2007
Hi to all,
I hope that everyone had fun on Christmas Eve in the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
There are so many wonderful people to thank – for making the event festive, colourful and joyful.
Firstly, to chairman Edwin and Armi for making the move to organise the 1st meeting and setting out the masterplan for the party. All went well according to the plan.
Next, to the newly-weds, Hector and Michelle and their team, for their commitment in organising the games. It may have caused them some sleepless nights thinking on what games may be appropriate for a small backyard. Excellent job!! – complete with props and trimmings for all age groups.
Thanks heaps to those who prepared & cooked the sumptuous food. There was so much. I hope that every family was able to bring home enough take-aways.
To the BBQ family — it was an excellent bbq. Giehardt, btw, thanks for saving me that bbq, Sorry, I forgot all about it.
To Santa’s helpers. Well done darlings — Arianne, Isa, Nico, Jessie and Bianca. Santa was spoilt that night, he did not have to lift a finger to dig into the pile of gifts.
To the cd/dvd lady, Olga, who prepared a memorable collection of happy family events, for us, our children and grandchildren to cherish for many years to come.
To Celine, who shared with us her beautiful songs.
To Millie, family gatherings won’t be complete without your fantastic cakes.
To those who spent so much time, effort and money to dress themselves up in the spirit of Christmas. It was really great to see so many people dressed-up. Good grief, it was amazing even the dogs looked fantastic. You may be wondering why there was no dog prize given out. What happened was that we prepared only one prize for the dog comp. But since all four dogs won, there wasn’t enough prizes. They wiil be given out soon.
To our tireless photographers
To my hubby, who built the nativity scene
To those who helped in the clean-up
To everyone whose presence made the event special.
And lastly, I would like to thank and praise the Lord for allowing Mommy Cora to join us for the occasion. As you all know, she was in the hospital since Thursday evening, underwent colonoscopy on Monday morning and came home just after midday (on 24 Dec).
The weather was perfect that night, there was no cold wind and no rain. Rain came only an hour after the last person has left the house. That was awesome. It was a blessing.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
on behalf of the Rupac Family
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