I received news yesterday that the last surviving sibling of my dad has passed away. His name is Tito Narding. I was asked to inform everyone in the family about the news which I did so promptly. I got a few reply for the news and I have not realised how tragic this passing was until I checked our family tree and reflect on a conversation I had with my brother last year.
Tito Narding has no known immediate family. My brother, Ruben Jr. told me last year, that Tito Narding came to him for help after being diagnosed with cancer. It is possible that he has a family but he may already have been abandoned. Last I heard, he was housed for palliative care in an institution in Cavite. Tita Bheck and Ruben would sometimes visit him there.
My sister, Liberty, emailed me today – feeling sorry that he never met Tito Narding. He would be the closest person that would perhaps resemble our Dad. I was 3 years old and Liberty is just a baby when our dad died. Ruben Jr. was still in the womb – all 3 of us have no meaningful recollection of our father. Liberty made me realise that this was a missed opportunity for both of us. Ruben Jr. and Tita Bheck at least had the honor to extend physical contact with Tito Narding in his last year. His whereabouts would have remained unknown if not for his recent affliction. Perhaps, it was his pride that prevented him from seeking help until his situation became very desperate.
What is just dawning on me now, as I receive reply of condolences, is not having someone to extend it to – Tito Narding lived alone and have died alone. I have not known him at all – and yet he left a stark reminder on how important the people around us really are.
Call out from Neng Rivera-Jones
If anyone knows about our relatives from Madaluyong and Antipolo, please invite them to be in the distribution so we can connect and keep in touch with each other. Invite other family members and relatives, too. I am sure most have access to the internet especially the email. We want to meet everyone. Let’s keep our family intact. Update the family tree, please and send some pictures, too. Thank you.
God bless us all!
Ate/Tita Neng
This blog is super depressing… I find it so frightening that someone in our family could live alone because I’ve never truly known what it was like to be by myself, and I can only imagine how frightening and lonely that existence must be… I honestly don’t know what to say…i just thought that this email deserved a reply….
It’s alright sweetheart – whatever the reason is – it was a matter of choice made by my uncle. It was too late to be involved with his life in any meaningful sense when we found out. He kept to himself not wanting to be a burden to anyone – there is really not much anyone can do.
But – I’m proud of your Tito Jun & Lola Bheck – they did a noble deed to look after him in his final days.
Sorry to hear about Kuya Narding’s passing. Our deepest sympathy to his family. In behalf of my family here in New Mexico, again, our condolences.
Tita Edna Rivera-Ronquillo
Dear Rommel,
Sorry to hear about your Dad passing away that early. My Dad died when he was 71, seven years ago. Up to now, if we go places, get a new car, experience something exciting, I still feel a twinge of sadness and regret, thinking how my Dad would have enjoyed all these things, how I would have loved to share all those things with him.
My Dad was a military man, a man of few words, and he lived by a strict code of conduct and personal ethics. He never called in (sick) for work and was never late for it either. He got up early each day, did his little exercise and tried to stick to a diet that included lots of vegetables, and watched his weight. He was one goood-looking guy, too, was a charp dresser and maintained that erect military posture his entire life. He loved books and music, and I remember as a little girl waking up to the sounds of the Carpenters, Matt Monro and his other fave artists. My Dad was strict, but he had a wry sense of humor that we didn’t discover until we got older.
My Mom’s side of the family is large and close-knit,and they embraced my Dad like a true member of the family, but I am sure there were lots of times he yearned to see his family in Tarlac and Pangasinan more often than distance and our personal finances allowed him. When he was in the U.S., I am glad he got to go home and see his sisters (he’s the only son) and other relatives at least three times within the past few years before he passed away. He was proud and happy to have gone home as a balikbayan and be able to share stuff with them, and they gave their “Yoyong” the warm and royal welcome he deserved.
So even though you never really got to know Tito Narding, your Dad or mine, I think they would be very happy if they found out we were rediscovering our roots. My Kuya Gari and Achie Ychu went to Tarlac last year with the passing away of Auntie Rose, and they plan to visit there regularly. We keep the memory of our loved ones alive by thinking about them, talking about them and doing things that we think will please them. I think they would be very pleased to know their loved ones are trying to connect and keep in touch with each other.
Take care.
Thanks for the condolences that I felt so welcome.Thanks to all those who remembered. I know Rommel, Liberty and Jun Pascual had no recollection of their Tito Nardo but I had a lot of memories of him and his love to my late sister Lourdes. You see I was very close to my sibling Lour, (married to Ruben Pascual). I honestly felt, I was more a daughter to her instead of a sister. She was my care giver, (because my mom and dad had to work long hours to put food on the table then for 7 children. I was the 7th of 8 ) before she got married and even after she did. I witnessed and have grown very close to her children and in-laws. So close, in such a way that my children Edi and Carl had felt the love of their and my MAMA LOU when they were born and growing . I accompanied her to every trip to Bamban, to Antipolo and got to be introduced to every single Pascual relative meriting an introduction to her, as if they were my very own. I was in my Manong Ben’s death bed, and to date, I still refresh in my mind, his parting words to me. Now you know why the sister;sister- in- law relationship was marked to be very very personal to me. The bond that has been established with the Pascuals, was priceless. I heard from Tita Beck and Jun of the horrible situation of the illness of Kuya Nardo, when I was in PI last May 2007. Rest assured my prayers are with him, then and now. The same is true to all the members of his family, (known or unknown). In God , who is LOVE, there really is no distant relative, we are indeed brothers and sisters in Christ.God Bless.
I had met and known Kuya Narding when I was growing up. I was probably eight to ten years old that time. Kuya Narding was a kind and loving man. I had enjoyed him very much as my older brother since I had none. He had lived with us for some years in Olongapo City. He worked as a waiter at the Admiral Restaurant and theater owned by the Gordon’ family. He later became the personal chauffer of Amanda Gordon who became the city mayor. As I recalled, he would treat us, my late sister Linda and my borther Efren and I to lunches and dinner then to the movies a lot of times since he worked for the Gordon’s. We went to see movies for free almost every week. I was dismayed when he left. I did not know why he left and resigned from his job. I had heard only a few news about him since he left. He had married and had not known if he had any child. He seldom came to visit us and mostly very short. I had seen him quite a few times during fiestas, weddings, and funerals. I treasured all the beautiful moments I had with him.
I invite those who knew Kuya Narding to post short messages of their times spent with him. Let’s make this as a Memorial Tribute to him.
Again and again, I encourage everyone to keep in touch and to visit Rommel’s website and the Family Tree. This is the best way to meet relatives from a far.
In behalf of my sister, Teresita Pascual Papa (who has no email address), Tracy and I extend our deepest sympathy in the loss of Kuya Nardo. We’re sure he had left happy memories to live by for you to cherish to those who knew him.
May God’s peace surround us all at this difficult time.
Our healtfelt and sincerest condolences on the death of Tiyo Nardo Pascual am sorry to hear the news only today because I work weekends and haven’t read my emails.
Anyway, on behalf of Puring Balberan-Montoya family our thoughts and prayers goes to his family. May he rest in peace.
Beth Borland
I’ve been adding emails sent to me as comments on this blog. I believe that our grief as well as the celebration of the life of Tito Nardo and all our loved ones who are no longer with us is best shared with everyone.
I was wrong to say that I have no one to extend the condolence to – we are his immediate family – we are the one who grieves with his passing and remembers that he is a part of us.
My apologies for being late in extending my condolonce. It took me a while to get myself unburied with emails both at work and at home.
In behalf of the Schulz-Rivera family, our deepest sympathy for the death of Kuya Narding.
I barely remember Kuya Narding as I was young when he lived with us in Olongapo. I remember him taking naps all the time because I believe he worked odd hours. I’m sorry that he died alone although my hope is he died in peace that he knew that there were some relatives like Beck and Ruben Jr. taking care of him. Thank you Beck and Jun!
Dear Family,
Please accept our deepest condolences.
He has been in our prayers since your Tita Neng advised me about his condition.
Although I don’t have any recollection of Kuya Nardo, Tita Neng told me that he baby sat for me every time he visited us in Olongapo. With that, I thank him a lot for his kindness.
Regards and Love from Chicago,
Emil, Lorna and Jesse Marie Rivera
It is the same for us here in Brisbane, paki abot po ang aming pakikiramay sa pag panaw ni Kuya Nardo and our prayers…
at this age of 50..can’t remember how they look like..what I remember was..I was fond of joy riding in the jeepney habang pumapasada sila sa Olongapo..but can’t remember if that was Kuya Ben or Kuya Nardo???