Wedding photo of Domingo and Visitacion Talavera-Abigania as restored by Jeanne. If you have photos like this – we would love to have a scanned version. Jeanne is also avid in scrap booking, if photos of our ancestors are in your shoe box somewhere – you might want to send it to us, we would welcome to keep them in acid free albums and archive them. Just provide the story.
Since I started compiling our Family Tree in 1993, I have never been so thrilled to be able to make this database open for collaborative update. Dick Eastman – one of the well known followers of modern day genealogical development, has written about PhpGedView in his blog Eastman’s Online Genealogy . It practically describes my own experience – from maintaining our family tree using pen and paper, then desktop based software, generating web pages (HTML files) and uploading it, and now to a full collaborative version.
He has written that blog less than a year ago – so I guess you could say that our Family Tree, which is now published using PhpGedView, is in the bleeding edge of technology. The software is over 5 years old and one stage, was the most active Open Source project.
You do not have to be tech savvy to get into the action – in fact I’ve taken care most of technical stuff needed to get this project going – now we just need the rest of the family to get behind it and update, add stories, details about family members – it can truly make us closer if we want to.
Trace the other leg of your own family – often times I’m only tracing one leg because I’m personally related to that leg. For example – I will trace my uncle but stop short at his wife (my aunt-in-law), so if you were my cousin you could take the next step and trace your mother’s roots – get the drift? Hint – Tita Neng, you can extend the Rivera line. Emma – extend the Balberan Line. Aizy – extend the Zapanta line, Rove/Ryzanne extend the Laroco line. Mark/Paolo – take care of the Pacheco’s. Ryzza how about the Quitasol’s . Emily – how about the Ramirez and the Merca’s etc etc etc 🙂 (OK I can’t name you all there are over 1000 of you in my list now).
So now – do you understand why this version of our family tree can be heaps more advance and flexible as anything we’ve ever seen before?
The Family Tree can be found in https://www.rommelpascual.com/webtrees – if you have not yet bookmarked it or committed the address to memory – I will disown you 🙂
here in germany, they have a family book – andun lahat ng impt papers related to the family – wed certificates, baptism cert, etc – and then there is a long page where you could start tracing your ancestors — i have already plotted ours — very interesting. kaya lang until great great pa lang kami e, we need to research more. as for photos, we have those too. sepia talaga. thanks to you, i would start scanning those photos now.
hi kengkay – natumbuk mo itong isang pinagkaka-abalahan ko. The difficulty of amateur genealogist like me is that there are not much Philippine resources. Wouldn’t it be nice if we’re able to trace our family name before the Spaniards changed it to our Spanish sounding surnames. But – I don’t expect to go pass the oldest person I know in our family tree already. I just hope our next generation could keep these records going.
I look forward to see your family tree – let me know when it starts to take shape 🙂