9 May 2008: I’m a bit reluctant to publish public performances of Celine because invariably it would be home recording quality. But it is not often that we get to record it. In most cases, recording of any kind will be prohibited because of copyright laws.
Early last week, a friend called us to request for Celine to sing in a charity fund raising dinner for a person in the advance stage of cervical cancer. Celine was in a middle of a number of University assessments, so I was surprised that she agreed to do this gig. With less than a week to prepare and a song not in her current repertoire, she barely had time to prepare for this.
I’m sharing this home video for a limited time before I mark it as private. Hopefully, enough time for friends and family get a glimpse of Celine’s public performance. The video was taken by her sister Jessica – it is a bit shaky and the poor lighting didn’t help either. You could also hear her (Jessica) making some comment as she and Ryan makes fun of the Italian part of the song.
[flashvideo filename=media/Prayer-show0.flv height=240 width=320 image=media/Prayer.jpg /] |
The video was having interruptions (might be our system) in between but the sound of her voice really reminded me of her songs during her debut in Baguio! Nice work for charity and for those with health problems Celine! That will go a long way!
Hi Kuya Benny,
The trick is to pause the video. This will continue to download in the background, then play it after a while. The other trick is to replay it, it would be uninterrupted the second time around.
omg! :S this is why i hate watching myself… I can find so many ugly, ugly mistakes!!!!
It’s actually not that bad considering you probably sang this only a few times through before the actual performance. And … you were only introduced as Grade 4 AMEB instead of 6 🙂
A nice voice fits together with a nice song.
It maybe difficult ‘coz maybe it is a duet song, but nevertheless she pertained to carry the song all by her self. She’s a good singer.
Applaused… 🙂
Some version were sang as duet. It was sang by an Australian Idol runner-up as a solo and his version was top of the charts for a while. It is a difficult song.
it is a VERY DIFFICULT song!!! and it really makes me proud to say that celine pulled it off nonetheless … naluha ako… i’m really very proud of you celine. I wish you could come here so pao can record your songs. Ang galing talaga!!! hep,hep hurray!!! love you!!!
Celine did remarkably well on this video. She reminds me of Celine Dion whom I like so much.
Thanks. You’re very kind to compare her to her name sake 🙂
Pasky, Jeanne, tuwang-tuwa kami ni jojo watching celine, the best! Celine even though you dont know us, we are so proud of you, keep it up and thank you for doing what you are doing, you are a good example to the younger ones…bless you my dear… more…more naman tito pasky…ingat kayo…
Hi Jo and Emalyn – it is great to hear from you after all these years. I know that Jeanne and Emalyn has recently connected via their Yahoo Group. Thank you for dropping by my website which I have now been neglecting as I move on other interests 🙂 (Like watching TV .. LOL).
Hopefully, I’ll be able to post some blogs soon but really it’s winter in Oz and we’re hibernating 🙂