Art was diagnosed of metastatic colon cancer on Dec. 23, 2007. Since then our life had changed. He underwent surgery to remove the cancer in his colon on February of 2008. On April of that year he started his chemotherapy for the tumors that spread to his liver. We went to the cancer center every fortnight for series of treatments over a year and a half.26-Sep-2010 – It’s been over a year since Art passed away. I kept this post private because I have not written it all. It is written on an email sent by my sister Liberty announcing the passing of her beloved Art. The comments were also collected from the replies to her email and mine.
Every blood-tests, meetings with his oncologist, meetings with the pain doctor, neurologist, CT scans, chemo treatments – I was by his bedside until every treatment is over. We learned that cancer is not about fearing death but about life. It drew us closer and LOVED EACH OTHER MORE. It wasn’t only his battle but mine as well. On May 20, 2009 he suffered internal bleeding, so severe, I needed to call 911 and rushed him to the hospital. I thought I was going to lose him, but he fought on for me. We renewed our vows in the hospital on our 16th year wedding anniversary on May 29, 2009. He was transferred to Rosedale Hospice where he continued to fight. We celebrated his 47th birthday in the hospice on June 23, 2009. I have seen first hand how hard he fought.
On July 19, 2009 I can’t bear to see him suffer any longer, he have had enough, he is at the end of his life. I hugged and whispered to him what was in my heart. I told him that I will be okay, that JB, Louie and Jim will be okay. That he will be okay too. That God is going to embrace him in His arms. That he will be in a better place. I never expected that after having said those, he drew his last breath while in my arms. God is really so good, He gave me all the time to tell what I needed to tell him in the last hour of his life.
Art is now in the hands of the Lord- July 19,2009 at 1:20 in the afternoon at Rosedale Hospice Calgary, Alberta Canada.
This is the email I wrote to break the news to everyone in the family.
Arthur Anada (1962-2009)
When Liberty, my youngest sister, called us in Dec 2007, that Art (husband) was just diagnosed with colon cancer, I can sense that their family had resolved to face the problem and fight. They are a beautiful family. JB and Louie, though very young has taken into their shoulders responsibilities and care not even imposed on our young adults today. Jim, their youngest, may not fully appreciate what his older siblings and mother is going thru but they all went for the biggest challenge they have ever faced. These boys remained calm, collected and focused to their studies – getting the academic rewards that Art and Levs are truly proud of. They were a joy to the people and relatives who came and visit to give a family support to their fight.
Today, Art had finished the fight – a brave soul who has given everything to live one more precious day on this magnificent life. It is a sad day and with heavy heart we mourn his passing. He left a legacy, a strength of character seen in the eyes of Liberty, JB (15), Louie(12) and Jim(6).
May he rest in peace.
Rommel Pascual
hello kuya…condolence…we will pray for his soul…may he Rest in Peace…young pa pala mga kids nila…
From the Jones family in Houston, Texas, we would like to express our deepest and sincere condolence and sympathy to Levs, JB, Louie, and Jim in losing Art. May he rest in peace. God bless his soul.
Tita Neng,
Just have to share this, Tita Neng. I am truly awed by how my sister Levs has coped in these last two years from when Art was diagnosed. Art has not gone for any treatment or see a doctor or have a chemo session without Levs. She braved it all, including being by Art’s side day and night in his last two months, leaving only for at most two hours to do domestic chores. Art would look for her and disturbed if she’s away for minutes. Levs was there when he finally drew his last breath.
I am truly awed or sad or happy to have met two people who show so much love to the end and truly blessed to be related to them. I know so that life don’t end that way. Maybe we just part like that so our meeting again would be more meaningful.. it must be so….
My hugs to all.. and thank you for taking the time.
I am moved by what Manang Helen wrote for really in them the promise of “ in sickness and, in health, till death do us part “; has been given its true essence. I have felt and seen the devotion of Levs this past month to Art, I had cried and laugh with them and I felt very very blessed that I am touched by these two caring individuals and knowing that Art had died in the arms of Levs, my emotions are mixed with grief and thankfulness for I know that even if we have several times had said that we are prepared in letting go of Art I still fell the pain of losing one great individual who have touch our lives in so many ways.
We will have the chance to celebrate Art’s life during his viewing on Friday and Saturday at 7:00 – 9:00 pm and his final services will be on Monday the 27th at 3:00 pm. Cremation will follow after the service.
Our condolences and deepest sympathy to Liberty and children for the loss of Arthur a loving husband and father. May he rest in peace and May God bless his soul.
Harold & Beth Borland
Our condolences to Levs and her kids..JB, Louie & Jim for the passing of their loved one Art.
I know this a very hard time for Levs and her kids, just hoping that with our loving support and prayers will somewhat ease the pains that they are all feeling right now.
It is very sad that alot of people are passing away this month, from Ate Cristy, my co-worker’s unborn daughter,( barely 6 mos), her heart just stopped functioning. And one of my best friend’s dad who was close to 80 yrs old expired last Sat…I believed no matter what age you are, if you need to go and meet our Creator…nobody can stop it. God has reason for all these things. We can only join our hands and support each other and be ready for all things that will come our way.
Again, our prayers to Levs and her family.
Tito Rodel, Tita Edna, Ona & Carlos and Rod Ronquillo
Levs – our Prayers and Love.
From your family in Chicago,
Emil, Lorna and Jesse Marie
Manang Levs
Please know that you are in our hearts and prayers during this difficult time. On behalf of my ading Carlson and my mom, we extend our deepest condolences. Though we can’t be with you in person, we join you in spirit, and celebrate with you the life of Manong Art. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Edicarl Jhon, Kathleen, & Kaylee Anne
Our deepest condolences to Liberty and your family. Haven’t met Art but he must have been a wonderful person. We offer our prayers for the repose of his soul and for his family’s peaceful acceptance of his passing.
Take care!
Dearest Levs,
Truly Levs, no words that can be uttered can ease the pain as you and your children mourn the passing of Art from death to life.
However, please be blessed that no words can also explain the love we have for you in this hour of your grief.
Even so, we speak the “peace and love ” that only Jesus can give as we pray, that the HOLY Spirit be your comforter as promised by Him and the Father.
Love and Prayers,
a litz; Carl and Natalie;Edicarl ,Kaylee and Kathleen
Dear Rommel and Levs,
Rommel, thank you for sharing this with us. I know how it feels. I was in the same situation as Levs when I prayed for my mother, I saw her for the last time and then I prayed that I am ready, very difficult to lose her but I know it is more difficult for her, and there you go my prayers were heard, very, very difficult and up to now I am still crying and really miss her so much.
Levs, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your whole family. It is very hard to let go, very difficult, but HE has reasons for all of these and they are all good and HE knows you’re strong and will be able to cope up. Cheer up and continue to celebrate Art’s life.
With deepest sympathy,
Manong Tom, Manang Tina and Carla (Laroco)
Thank you, Rommel for sharing the thoughts of Helen and Khorz about the love between Art and Levs. They really live ‘for better; for worse, in sickness in health do they part’. I am touched! God bless Art’s soul. May he rest in peace knowing that he has fought a good fight to live for his family but his Maker has a better plan for him. Again, with sorrow and heavy heart I express my sincere condolence to Levs, JB, Louie, and Jim. God speed.
Tita Neng
Our deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. I only wish that he left wonderful memories for the rest of his family to cherish. I pray for you and for your sister and pamangkins. It’s an inspiring love story they shared. I cried reading her story.
I don’t have words to express my sympathy for you and your family. The sickness that led to Art’s death had shown us how LOVE prevails. You have been an inspiration to us to how love each other and not take each other for granted.
May God’s peace be with you and your family during this time and for the time to come. I know that there will be times that you will try to reach for Art’s hand and it’s not there. But I pray to our heavenly God that when you try to reach for that hand, the JESUS’ hand will be right there to guide you and keep you and give you peace.
Please take comfort that Art is with our heavenly Father in heaven even “socializing” with your Mama and Papa. They are probably having a fiesta up there in heaven.
Please know that you are in our prayers and may God continue to watch over you.
Tita Vangie
That was very touching. Thank you for sharing. My condolence to the whole family. We can only hope for a love like that and the strength of character and firmness of faith that these two displayed.
To Ate Liberty and Family,
Hi, I’m Lito Sabal,s wife. My condolences to you and your family. I know what you’re feeling right now. But you know what? You’re so lucky that you still have time to say goodbye to Kuya Art. For me and my kids it was a real shock. Its been a year since Lito passed away. He was only 36 then and up to now I can’t still believe that he is gone. We really miss him so much.
Ate Liberty be strong okay? Like me, I always get my strength from my kids. I just look at them and everything’s okay. Take care and our condolence to you and your family.
Rowena Sabal
Our deepest condolence to you and specially to your sister and her family. May Arthur rest in peace.
mel and aida
Dear Levs and kids,
I’m out of words trying to get my feelings all together, its just like sadness and relief mixed all together. I’m just grateful that the Lord is with us giving us the strength needed to comfort each one. You, Levs has been a rock to all of these. I can’t say more. Anyway, my first encounter with Art was when you got married. You took me as one of your godmothers. After that it was just a relationship through phone lines, God had His plans and I know Art had his journey on earth.
Well any ways, we (Auntie Litz and myself- and also Poppi) have plan to come to Calgary for the services to be with you all. We will be arriving Friday. I am forwarding our itinerary. I will call you in the morning.
A. Beth
Just got back from Winnipeg and just read your e-mail. I am so sorry for the loss not only for Lev’s and her children but for the entire Anada and Pascual clan and all of us who had known him. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time.
I had the privilege to know Art during my frequent trips to Calgary during my Karrera days a few years ago. He always made me feel at home and I have seen first hand how a loving husband/father he was to Levs, JB, Louie and Jim. I will always remember him as a very dear friend.
I join you all in grieving the loss of Art.