The beauty of living in Sydney is that every now and then something special comes knocking on your doorstep. The Picasso museum in Paris is undergoing renovation – so a major collection of Picasso arts is on loan to the Art Gallery of NSW. It was bound to attract a lot of visitors that the usually free admitance to the gallery now had tickets to see the Picasso arts. The tickets were mainly to control the number of visitors and make the visit a bit more enjoyable.
I am no art expert and would not pretend to understand Picasso art at all. But I felt priviledged to have seen the originals of a highly acclaimed artist. His life work is very inspiring on how prolific he was.
However, there were moments there whilst looking into these art how clueless I was. It’s like listening to an aria – you appreciate how much skill is needed to hit those notes but you don’t necessarily like it. Still you applaude if only to acknowledge the talent.
For now – great art to me is like looking at a very hot female. You look, appreciate and just thankful that you leave her at the museum and not have to maintain her 🙂
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