We celebrated this year’s Valentine’s Day by cashing in a gift certificate we received from Ryan and Angie. It’s for a seven-course meal on a gourmet restaurant in Pymble. If you’ve seen L.A. Story, then you would know that each course is more plate than grub :-). Jeanne had the normal set whilst I had the deluxe version where 5 of the seven courses comes with a glass of matching wine.
It’s no smorgasbord where you pay an inflated price because they expect you to load up on the seafood. It’s good quality food, service and presentation. However, don’t let the serve size deceive you, by the 6th course – which is the main meal, we’re actually full. The main meal is a beef so tender, it melts in your mouth.
The restaurant is busy – being a Valentines day but we did not get a hurried service. We were given time to enjoy each meal and asked if we wanted a bit of time before the next. Each wine is presented and introduced. I felt relaxed that it could probably be one of the longest dining experience I had in a restaurant. We were there for almost 3 hours.
There were no ambient music, mood lights or fancy decors – just white tables, good wine and good food. You can even hear yourself speak. If you want the name of the restaurant – email me. The seven course meal can be a bit pricey, specially if you have the matching wines, but we’ve checked their ala-carte and it’s no pricier than most restaurants we go to. Come to think of it – their seven course meal is not as pricey as what Celine was telling us in the city.
The Food
What restaurant was this? and do you have pictures?
It’s called Ad Lib Bistro in Pymble. Photos? I have some in my iPhone – maybe one day I’ll post it 🙂
This experience sounds very special! Yah…..photos please 🙂
Ok – done 🙂
Woweeeee!!! The food looked like the Iron Chef’s best …. pricey…but I’m pretty sure worth it. I love you both for being so romantic still ….. hooray! 😀
This and partly our SAM trip were presents for my birthday and our 25th wedding anniversary. We’re so thankful to family and friends who helped make these possible.