6-April-2012 7:30PM BST, Rio de Janiero – Brazil
This was not part of our travel itinerary and I would credit Ricardo, our guide, for making this happen. He certainly went out of his way to make our visit a tad more interesting by offering us a sample of local life in Rio.Most tourists would only get to experience the traditional sites – the best of what Rio can offer. You often wonder what the locals do on a Friday night to unwind. Ricardo has taken us to a ‘Fiera’ or in Filipino ‘Perya’ – in English ‘Fair’ to be where the locals are.
On the way to the fair, we saw Corcovado at night. The mountain is dark and the Cristo is lighted. It looks like an apparition of Christ floating in the sky and looking down into the city.
It is Good Friday on a largely Catholic nation, which may explain that the fair was a bit subdued. Ricardo swears it is a livelier than what we saw. Nevertheless, we had a big meal, time to peruse around the shops, listen to loud Brazilian music and for a while there a promise to samba. Jeanne had a bit of a go – dancing with Ricardo, which would have been fun if there were more of dancing after dinner.
I would say that the night out was fairly successful. It definitely beats staying at the hotel or just walking up and down Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana.
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