Firecore had released SeasonPass that can upgrade the ATV2 to IOS 5.0. We’ve been languishing on IOS 4.4 for so long. Well, not really – just wanted to get an update and see some of the new cool stuff.
The big ticket is Air Play Mirroring – but will work only for iPhone 4S (not 3GS or 4) and iPad – not that it is uberly useful – it just allow you to use the TV as a ‘mirror’ of what you see in the iPhone/iPad screen.
We use the Photo Slideshow feature of the Apple Home Sharing quite a lot and there were a number of transitions that were added such as Photo Wall . This presents your photos on wooden frames as if they were hang on an art gallery. There is also the Sliding Tiles and the Photo Mobile which is like the Holiday Mobile without the Christmas Theme.,
At the time of this writing – XBMC still needs to be installed using command line via ssh. Well, whether it is installed via Nito – I still have to get in there via ssh anyway to set the advance settings, RSS feeds, sources, and favorites.
But – what I’m really hanging on for is the much awaited ATV3 Jailbreak – o when o when will it happen. This jailbreak will allow us to watch non-DRM 1080p videos. It also ensures that we are able to continue to use XBMC on an inexpensive and easy to use device after Apple stops support on ATV2.
28 October 2012
A few days ago, one of our ATV2 broke down. The IR does not work anymore. It can still be controlled via the iPhone/iPad Remote App but it will no longer respond to the silver remote. It’s not the pairing either. I browsed through eBay to see if I could score a second-hand, but to my surprise – it was selling for A$250 – more than twice the cost of a brand new ATV3. This is all to do with the ATV3 not being jailbroken yet despite efforts of the brightest jail breakers. I even saw one listed as “Buy Now” for A$500. I don’t know if someone was gullible enough to fall for that one but at that price you can surely get a second hand MacMini which will do the job a lot better.
When ATV2 first came out – I gave it as gifts left, right and center. I want them back now 🙂
The following software and corresponding versions worked:
SeasOnPass Version 0.8.6 (565)
iTunes 11.0 (163)
See this blog for instructions : Jailbreaking Apple TV 2 with Seas0nPass (…and overcoming 1600 error)
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