I’m hoping this would be the first of many bush walks that I would participate in. The Macquarie Explorer Group is bunch of friendly bush walkers who were happy to take me in as a new member. Another lady (Angie) joined the group the same day as I did and we were both warmly welcomed. The track started at the Visitor center of Kamay Botany Bay National Park and followed the Solander Track. It runs around the cliff.The area is popular for whale watching. We walked up through sandy tracks on a 30 degree heat towards the lighthouse where we had a lunch break. Later, we explored a bit more of the rocky cliffs before heading back.
These are some select photos I’ve taken for the day.
You can download these photos from my Flickr Account
I was also using the Garmin watch given by Celine on my birthday. It tracks the route we have taken. However, I’m still working out the kinks of this device and suspect that it may have turned itself off when we stopped for an extended period for morning tea or when we were at the lighthouse.
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