It started with an early morning call from work, I’m the escalation DBA and the main on-call DBA was not picking up. Instead of passing the call, I decided to get up and check the alert. After which, it was quite difficult to go back to bed although it was chilly 8 degree morning. I’ve been very lazy about going to the gym all week – so I decided to pump-up my bike and cycled to the gym for an hour of work-out.
Then I rushed home to have a quick shower, breakfast and to take Jeanne to her dental appointment. While waiting for Jeanne at the dentist, I called Chong in New York to have a bit of a chat. I was on the street, so I also showed him a bit of Parramatta via Skype. We were talking for awhile and we continued to talk on skype while we drived to Blacktown. Jeanne was holding up my laptop showing Chong and Gay the streets. We were laughing because it was like a scene from the Big Bang Theory where Sheldon decided to virtually ride a car with Leonard. When we arrived at Westpoint, Blacktown – I switched to an iPad and like an idiot started showing Chong where we shop for fish and fruits. We continued to chat whilst Jeanne got some take-away food for lunch.
When we got home, Tom surprised Jeanne with a Mother’s Day bouquet of flowers. Jeremy was also at home and we’re also expecting Angie and Ryan. This is the afternoon we all decided to taste the Kopi Luwak. We’re all excited to try it – none more than me. I broke open the new coffee grinder and ground 3/4 cup of beans to make 8 small shots. This is perhaps the most expensive home brewed coffee we made. The beans cost $100 for 100 grams and the grinder is $65. After we all had a sip – I fast forwarded the movie Bucket Lists to the part where Morgan Freeman tells Jack Nicholson about the fact that the Kopi Luwak comes from the faeces of a cat who ate the coffee bean. We all laughed as hard but continue to drink the coffee anyway. Some decided to put our usual hazelnut creamer but most stayed true and finished their cup as black. I had 2 cups – after all the beans were given to me as a gift. When Jessica and Celine saw it in Indonesia – they resolved that they should buy it for me. The enjoyment and laughter in this afternoon proved they made the right choice (once again) for a gift.On the background – I played a feature film called Samsara – a movie without dialogue and filmed entirely using high quality Panavision 65mm film. It was from the same makers of the film Baraka. It was meant to be just playing in the background but everyone took interest on it. Between all of us – we must have seen most of the countries/places featured on the film.
Come dinner time, the four of us went to Cara & Co – a fine dining restaurant at the Centerpoint Tower in Sydney. This is Jeanne’s shout for Jessica’s birthday. Since they were in Bali on her birthday, the booking was moved to this date. A very lovely evening with my 3 lovely ladies on a regular Saturday of May.
12-May-2013 Mother’s Day : Celine prepared a chocolate pan cake breakfast for everyone. Jessica surprised her mum with front row seats to the upcoming Disney’s production of the Lion King at the Capitol Theatre in Sydney. She gave her four tickets and so we’re all hoping that she takes us to watch it with her 🙂
Vanessa also came to visit and baked with Jessica. She looked petrified when I asked if she would want to taste the Kopi Luwak. We ended up brewing the rest of the beans (2/3 cup of beans to make 6 cups of coffee). Vanessa had 2 servings and has taken it black – Well Done!
I read somewhere that the kopi luwak is no longer really too difficult to find. They have caged civets and much like the overfeeding of ducks to get foie gras, these poor cats are fed coffee beans for them to excrete… We also have them here in the north and its called kape ti musang… Did you find it extraordinary? You should … ☺
From what I could remember – the coffee itself is not bitter. I rarely drink coffee without cream but for this kopi luwak – I took exception and had it black and without sugar too. It’s different, but to be objective – it must be subjected to a blind taste. I love coffee and would occasionally buy beans from gourmet coffee shops but haven’t found anything as distinctive in taste as this.