There is a good chance that this blog which I have started since 1996/7 would disappear in the cloud one day. Every so often I keep a backup in my local Linux server, if only to practice exporting and importing MySQL databases and reviewing the rudimentaries of WordPress. There are good reason for me to be doing it now. First is that I’m coming out of my 5-year hosting service and renewing it at $17/mo for the next 5 years is a bit too much for a blog I haven’t updated since my accident.
The second is that Amazon Web Services (AWS) and cloud computing is the current buzz and what better way to learn my way around AWS than having an actual project. I found out that my blog and family tree including its databases can fit in an 8GB server. By getting a reserve t2.nano instance located in the U.S. – I could keep my blog online for another 3 years for less than AU$100.
So here we are, still working out some kinks because now I get to tune the server that my wordpress is running from. Exciting times 🙂
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