Tech Talk 
Blogs that are related to evaluating WordPress, Gallery2, Drupal, PMWiki et. al.
NUC Media Player
(0)I found a 2GB SODIMM memory in my drawer. It was taken out from a work notebook I was once assigned which I personally upgraded. So naturally, when I returned it, I took out the DIMM and replaced the original memory. Having seen it though gave me a push to finally get a barebone Intel… Read More ›
Mac Book Pro Retina
Wow – about 2 years ago, I switched to using the Mac. I use a Mac Mini which you could consider the entry level in price but certainly not in performance. Today – I’m writing this blog using my new Apple Mac Book Pro 13.3 with Retina Display 256GB SSD and 8GB RAM. A gift… Read More ›
Our ATV2 Gets A Make Over
Firecore had released SeasonPass that can upgrade the ATV2 to IOS 5.0. We’ve been languishing on IOS 4.4 for so long. Well, not really – just wanted to get an update and see some of the new cool stuff. The big ticket is Air Play Mirroring – but will work only for iPhone 4S (not… Read More ›
Yet Another Media Player Blog
Yesterday – in an impulse that defied logic, I used my Woolworths Gift Card to buy an Apple TV3 (ATV3). To the uninitiated (or what Jessica would call noob), an ATV3 is a media player and not a TV. This is the 4th Apple TV in our house, but before you judge me, know that… Read More ›
Switching to Apple Mac
A few of weeks ago, my daughters got themselves a MacBook Pro each. Then they urged me to switch to Apple. Of course, I was easily persuaded and got myself a Mac Mini. The Lion O/S is technically Unix, and being an Ubuntu fan for years, it was not that really a big jump or… Read More ›
My Nokia E63
Jeanne and I bought new phones and are very impressed with the new features. It is well worth that bit extra that we paid for these phones. To begin with, we were with AAPT on their 50c plan for a long time. That is right, 50c/month is all we pay for Jeanne’s phone. She could… Read More ›
HDX-1000 Network Media Tank
Its been over a month now that I have the HDX-1000. These are my thoughts about it: First let me say about the things that I dislike and get that out of my system. As a Music and Photo viewer, it leaves a lot to be desired. Often, I would just want to play music… Read More ›
My First GIMP
Following the project described in Grokking the GIMP. This image uses : Bucket Fill using patterns Gaussian Blur (IIR) Gradient – Shapeburst (angular) fill Bump Map Filter Layer Levels, offsets and Alpha Selections
Seawind Has a New Host
Starting today, the Seawind Network is hosted in JustHost.com and saying goodbye to its old home in HostMonster. The move is pretty straight forward and even made easier by the friendly support group of JustHost.com. The move can be summarised in these few steps. Ensure that you have ssh access in both servers. Ensure that… Read More ›
Media Player Hunt
In our home network today, you could easily find over 1 terabyte of digital media in MP3, DivX, WMV, ISO, JPG, etc. These are found in various directories in our laptops, desktops, iPod, xBox and a number of USB disks. The challenge is to present these media into our main entertainment unit. Today, we use… Read More ›
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