Blogs intended to be read by the extended family circle
Last Day at Work for 2007
I knocked off at 4:00pm today but we actually opened the wine and Hoegaarden beer since 1:00pm on what we affectionately call the stand-up meeting. We never employed Extreme Programming seriously – but of all the techniques – it’s the stand-up meeting that persisted.
John-Nicko Manaloto
When Carol told us that Jicko is running for the Search for Young Ambassador, our immediate reaction is – why not! Jicko is a boy who spends his time studying piano, trumpet, drums, guitar, violin, singing, dancing and takes AMEB exams for piano and trumpet. He would rather hang-out at the Jun Javier Music School… Read More ›
After 14 years, 7 months and 14 days (what a number) – I finally signed another document with Nielsen ending my official ties with the company. After the 31st of December 2007, I would now become an ex-Nielsen employee. I took a job in Nielsen as an Analyst Programmer in 1993 leaving behind a Project… Read More ›
Ask me why I’m still awake at 1am
Natalia Can’t go to sleep now … Natalia, a Russian pianist, a friend of Celine mi daughter – is sleeping over at our place tonite and she’s been playing beautiful piano – even agreed to accompany my sax playing. So I brought out my alto which I have not touch for over 2 months and… Read More ›

Tuptim Highlights – King and I (2007)
On September 2007, Celine played Tuptim in a production by The Holroyd Musical and Dramatic Society. It caused a pleasant stir in the family circle, with some just realising how involved Celine is into performing arts. Celine continues her learning with a private tutor at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts School and has taken workshops at NIDA. She is also a full-time student at the Sydney University, pursuing a degree in Speech Pathology.
Jessica’s 18th Video E-Mail
This video was created by Ryan and Ace Austria for Jessica’s 18th Birthday.
My Three Marias
Today’s blog should have read Sydney Spring Cycle 2005. Jeanne (my first Maria) and I have just completed a 50km journey across Sydney to the Olympic Park on a bike. This is my fourth year in this event and Jeanne’s second. For us who are not terribly fit, this is no ordinary feat and I’m… Read More ›
My First Trip To New Zealand
I was asked to look into the ACNielsen Retail Factory database in New Zealand. I was billeted at the Heritage Hotel in Auckland. An office mate in New Zealand was visibly impressed when they learned I will be staying at the Heritage instead of the usual hotel near the office in Takapuna. So, naturally I was a bit excited myself.
Palenke – Mid 60s
This photo was in the old photo album in our home in Bayan Park. As our story goes, one-by-one each member of the family left and had their own home. Even Ruben who now reside in our home in Bayan Park, left and lived somewhere for a while. Mum also left and lived in Singapore… Read More ›
The Tumalads in Sydney 2005
“Everytime I come to Sydney, we think about moving here”, says Manang Helen. Sometimes we forget how beautiful our city is and visitors come to remind us. We took a regular Ferry from Paramatta to Circular Quay amidst the line of million dollar houses and apartments. Then we walked around the quay into the Sydney… Read More ›
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