Blogs intended to be read by the extended family circle
Rare Family Photos
These 3 images were originally from the Family Albums of Amado “Mading” Pascual-Santos. The original prints are now in the family albums of Arch. Caesar Pascual in Surrey BC,Canada (near Vancouver). It includes a group photo of a World War II Philippine Scouts. The encircled person in the group is the late Caesario Pascual Sr…. Read More ›
The Beth Montoya-Borland Family Tree Update
50th wedding anniversary of Ima and Tatang taken l0 June l996 There is an inexplicable joy felt when you discover a large network of your family that you never knew existed before. How I wish that one day we all see each other face-to-face and experience the bond of blood that runs in our veins…. Read More ›
The Emily Merca Family Tree Update
Emily e-mailed me a few months ago, introducing herself. She saw the old Family Tree in my website and said that she should be in the list. She’s seen the names of the siblings of her mum but with somewhat inaccurate ascendants. Nevertheless, I must say that she is also influential in the revival of… Read More ›
The New Family Tree
The Talavera-Pascual & Mendoza-Austria Family Tree Look for your name and navigate your lineage. Enjoy and let me know what you think. Send me your additional details so that I can update your record. 16 June 2007 I’ve asked IDX to remove the family tree from the website as I no longer subscribe to their… Read More ›
Family Tree Revived
The Personal Roots , a software I use to store the family tree, has been revived. This software runs in Windows 98 and was not upgraded for the simple reason that the text printing became unavailable in later versions. To revive it, I used a software called Virtual PC, originally developed by Connectix but is… Read More ›
Celine & Jessica in Melbourne
Celine and Jessica went to Melbourne to attend Lou’s birthday party. And how many photos did they took? – Three, and they took it in the airport on arrival. They see their cousin once a year – I was hoping they will be more trigger happy.
World Trip Highlights (2005)
As I learn more of the intricacies of video blogs or blogs in general, it is now enjoyable to go through some of my earlier works in multimedia and publish it as an ante-dated blogs and preserve them for posterity. Here are some 3-minute videos originally published in DVD from our World Trip.
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