Journal Entry 
The beauty of living in Sydney is that every now and then something special comes knocking on your doorstep. The Picasso museum in Paris is undergoing renovation – so a major collection of Picasso arts is on loan to the Art Gallery of NSW.
Defensive Driving Course
Celine, Jessica and myself attended a basic defensive driving course at the Eastern Creek Raceway.A full day course will probably not suddenly or magically turn you into a defensive driver but there were a few tips we took away from the course.
Our 2011
We have a lot to be thankful for in 2011. It had shaped to be a very memorable year for us. This is the year when Celine and Jessica marched into the Great Hall of the University of Sydney to received their undergraduate degrees. Celine graduated with First Class Honours in Speech Pathology. Jessica received… Read More ›
Ode to Joy
Jeanne had been asking me for years to get the Harana Sax Quartette to play again and I kept giving her excuses. ‘Gusto pa kaya ng mga bata?‘, We haven’t been playing for years. All the kids are now busy with their own lives, how can we ask them to give up weekends for rehearsals?… Read More ›
2010 Is A Great Year
As far as I’m concerned this year is eventful and mostly positive. Sure we have our share of drama and big changes but change can be very good. The biggest change perhaps for me is that I have moved on from Nielsen. As the year ended, Jeanne and I are practically finished with our role… Read More ›
Celine and Jessica Visits Japan
Celine promised me to write about their experience in Japan. But she will probably never get a round tuit. Nevertheless, I just want to put up a few of their photos to mark the occasion. I’m really proud of these girls. At a very young age, they can truly travel and be independent. I often… Read More ›
Mark and Lara
It is not often that all four of us are invited to a wedding. Mark and Lara’s wedding is on a day when the weather is neither wet or dry. It has the most beautiful set of bridesmaids and grooms-men to complement an even more beautiful bride and smart looking groom. The ceremony is very… Read More ›
Nanay Cora’s 90th Birthday Party
On the 19th of June 2010, the most beloved matriarch of the Rupac Family celebrated her 90th Birthday. It was a bash to be remembered with over 250 guests joined the Rupac Family for this event. It is a typical Rupac Family celebration with well prepared video presentation, traditional Filipino folk dance which highlights Tinikling…. Read More ›
New Floor Boards
Jeanne and I have finally made the decision to get rid of our 15y.o. carpet. We did try to live with it for a while, even having it professionally steam cleaned – but …
Sax and the City
I can’t remember the last time I raised my hand to play in a gig, or as what Sandy (director of Sax-And-The-City) would call it – adventure. I think it was when the Blacktown Community Band came around in Christmas 2007 to carol at our home. My “Mary Kate” (that’s my alto sax) was sitting… Read More ›
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