Journal Entry 
Christmas Break (2008)
Christmas 2008 was spent at the Blue Mountains – staying at the Lakeside Bed and Breakfast in Wentworth Falls.
Happy Holidays (2008)
For a few years, way back when – we use to publish a “Pascual Family News”. It was our way of keeping in touch with the family as we were taken ashore in a remote region called AUSTRALIA, where the closest sibling is around 1000km away.
Spring 2008
Canberra’s Floriade, Sydney Spring Cycle and the Seven Bridges Walk – all part of this years spring for Rommel and Jeanne.
Aussie Girls in Wal Mart
Celine and Linda are currently attending a Harry Potter convention in Chicago – a goal they set last year. Celine saved every dollar she earned to pay for her trip. I’m very proud of her as she is enjoying every bit of her young life with good friends to share the time and excitement. They arrived in Illinois early. They stayed in Tito Emil’s and also at Tita Vangie’s home. I’m sure Celine will bring home gigabytes of photos but for now – here’s a shot shared by Tita Vangie as the girls visit an American icon – the Walmart store.
A Day in Taronga Zoo
4 May 2008: The Madrid Family are visiting Sydney from the Philippines. They flew in from Melbourne in the early morning and stayed at the beautiful Meriton Apartments right at the centre of downtown Sydney. Jeanne and I took the early train to meet up with them. The plan was to take them to Taronga… Read More ›
Rant for the Week
I got a traffic fine for ‘Stopping on a Mailzone’. I drive my daughter to the train station regularly and there is a post office where I drop her off. There are a lot of traffic in the area and if 3 cars stop in front of you – you can’t help but be on the mailzone. Usually the cars in front of you will be setting down passengers and you get held up long enough that passengers could quickly get off and be done with it. This action will now cost me $79.
New Mobile Phone
T’was a great Sunday weather and a new footpath has just been built – practically connecting out home to the nearest mall. So Jeanne and I decided to leave the car at home, took a small back-pack and walked to the mall. We forgot all about joining the Earth Hour slated on the previous night… Read More ›
The Flaxies
Our neighbour for the past 5 years is moving, not by choice – but just the reality of renting in today’s real estate climate. The Flaxie’s, as we eanderingly call them, had become close to us – as close as a good neighbour can be. Every single member of our family are not pleased to… Read More ›
Pinabili ako ni Jeanne ng kamatis kanina. The shop is only 2kms away and with all the talk about green house emissions, I feel guilty about driving for a few tomatoes. If I walk, it will take almost an hour but if I cycle I’m paranoid about leaving my bike tied up on a post… Read More ›
Solo Rider 292
2 March 2008 : It’s the 13th Annual Tour de Hills Classic. A ride that takes you through the streets of Dural and marvel at the facade of 17-room sprawling homes seated in acres of land. (I’m NOT exaggerating, some of these homes were massive and you’ll need an army of gardeners to maintain the… Read More ›
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