Journal Entry 
Music by Moonlight
If you want to, one can just follow the Sydney social calendar and your Fridays can be filled with free entertainment and cultural experience. For the past 3 weeks, we’ve been spending our Friday nights at the “Overflow” in the Sydney Olympic Park for the yearly Music by Moonlight Concert.
Western Explorer Ride
The Western Explorer Ride is a bike route that takes you from the Sydney Bicentennial Park, through to Granville, Merrylands and all the way to the Prospect Reservoir. It’s an easy 20-25Km ride on mostly dedicated cycle paths. Recommended for anyone wanting a ride beyond the park.
Wrist Watch
Cartoon quip and cheap watches. A story I’ve been telling for years – might as well write it for posterity.
Celine Turns 21
Celine Lowe Austria-Pascual Being the first born, we experience a lot of parent’s first with Celine. First baby, first to see off to school, first baptism, to see graduate from primary, high school and senior school. Her turning 18, not too long ago, was also our first big party ever hosted. Now, as she turn… Read More ›
Trip to the Sydney Fish Market
Whenever Jeanne ask me if I want to go to the Sydney Fish Market – I look at her with puzzlement. Didn’t she know that I grew up in the Fish Market – why is she calling me like it’s an excursion to a fascinating place? In 15 years of residence in Oz – we… Read More ›
Just Another Day … Or is it?
It started as a pleasant morning, it was neither too hot nor cold. Towards mid-day however, the temperature rose to mid to high 30s (celsius). At this temperature our house would feel like a furnace. It is the middle of the school summer break in Australia and so the 2 girls – Celine and Jessica are at home. It was a lazy day for them and was spent watching TV while folding a few clothes.
Forty-Five Today
Sometime today – I would have gone around the sun for 4 1/2 decades! Let me just take stock of it so far. Twenty-One years of this was spent growing up in the best city in the Philippines – Baguio City. There was always work in the fish market. I also attended Boys High School… Read More ›
Write Your Name Across the Sky
Look mum they’re writing my name across the sky…
Christmas Carols
Today, we had our first and only carollers in our home for the season. Well, it’s not common to have carollers in Australia and to be visited by one is rare enough. What even made this a lot more special is – it’s the Blacktown Community Marching Band turning up. I had my alto sax… Read More ›
Last Day at Work for 2007
I knocked off at 4:00pm today but we actually opened the wine and Hoegaarden beer since 1:00pm on what we affectionately call the stand-up meeting. We never employed Extreme Programming seriously – but of all the techniques – it’s the stand-up meeting that persisted.
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